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Цитированная литература

1. Adler M. J. Art and Prudence. N. Y., 1937.

2. Aston W. G. A History of Japanese Literature. L., 1908.

3. Basho. The Poetical Journey in Old Japan (tr. by Isobe Yaichi). Tokyo, 1933.

4. Binyon L. Painting in the Far East. L., 1913.

5. Bridges R. The Influence on Shakespeare's Drama. - Collected Essays. Vol. 1. L., 1927.

6. Brinckmann L. Kunst und Handwerk in Japan. [Б. м., б. г.].

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9. Brooks Van. The Flowering of New England. N. Y., 1936.

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15. Byrne C. Shakespeare's Audience. - Shakespeare and the Theatre. L., 1927.

16. Carswell С. The Life of Robert Burns. L., 1930.

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18. Davies W. How to Read History. L., 1924.

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27. Green J. K. A Short History of the English People. Vol. 1-2. [Б. м., б. г.].

28. Harada Jiro. A Glimpse of Japanese Ideals. Tokyo, 1937.

29. Hartshorne A. C. Japan and her People. Vol. 1-2. Philadelphia, 1902.

30. Hasegawa Nyozekan. Characteristics of Education in Japan. - Contemporary Japan. Tokyo, March 1937.

31. Hasegawa Shigure. Okuni. - Japan in Pictures. Tokyo, 1937, vol. 5, №4.

32. Hawkes L. Before and After Pinnochio. P., 1933.

33. Hovelaque E. China. L., 1923.

34. Huggins H. L. Osamu Shimizu. Intimate Tales of Old Japan. Tokyo, 1929.

35. Hughes G. Foreword to "Three Women Poets of Modern Japan". - University of Washington Chapbooks. № 9, 1927.

36. Hughes G. The Story of the Theatre. N. Y., 1928.

37. Joly H. L. Random Notes on Dances, Masks and the Early Forms of Theatre in Japan. - Proceedings of Japan Society. Tokyo, 1914, vol. 11.

38. Jusserand J. J. The School for Ambassador. L., 1924.

39. Kaempfer E. History of Japan. Tokyo, 1923.

40. Katsumata S. Japanese Puppet Plays. - Gleams from Japan. Tokyo, 1937.

41. Keenleyside H. L., Thomas A. F. History of Japanese Education and Present Educational System. Tokyo, 1937.

42. Keyserling. The Travel Diary of a Philosopher. Vol. 1-2. N. Y., 1925.

43. Kinkaid Z. (Penlington). Kabuki: the Popular Stage of Japan. L., 1925.

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47. Lang A. History of English Literature. L., 1913.

48. Lloyd A. Notes on Japanese Drama. - Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Vol. 35. [Б. м.], 1908.

49. Macdonald I. Wanderings and Excursions. L., [б. г.].

50. Mantzlus K. A History of Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times. Vol. 1. L., 1903.

51. Miki Haruo. How the Kabuki Originated. - Japan Times and Mail. Tokyo, 29.03.1936.

52. Miyamori A. Haikai Ancient and Modern. Tokyo, 1932.

53. Miyamori A. Masterpieces of Chikamatsu. L., 1926.

54. Murdoch J. History of Japan. Vol. 1-3. L., 1926.

55. Nakagawa Yoichi. The Manyo Spirit and Grecian Culture. - Cultural Nippon. Tokyo, 1937, vol. 5, № 1.

56. Nitobe Inazo. Bushido, the Soul of Japan. Tokyo, 1935.

57. Nitobe Inazo. Lectures on Japan. Tokyo, 1936.

58. Noguchi Yone. Japanese Poetry Explained. - Japan Times and Mail. Tokyo, 6-7.10.1936.

59. Quarles F. Hieroglyphics on the Life of Man. (Publ. about 1640). [Б. м., б. г.].

60. Phillips H. Meet the Japanese. Philadelphia, 1932.

61. Redesdale. A Tragedy in Stone. L., 1912.

62. Relshauer A. K. Studies in Japanese Buddhism. N. Y., 1925.

63. Sadler A. L. The Maker of Modern Japan: Life of Tokugawa Ieyasu, L., 1937.

64. Salsho Fumiko. A Few Notes on Haikai and the Japanese Mind. - Cultural Nippon, Tokyo, 1935, June.

65. Saju Tase. An Outline History of Japanese Education. - Cultural Nippon. Tokyo, 1937, July.

66. Sansom G. B. Japan: a Short Cultural History. L., 1932.

67. Seidlitz W. von. History of Japanese Colour Prints. L., 1920.

68. Skene-Smith N. An Introduction to Some Japanese Economic Writings of the 18th Century. - Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Tokyo, 1934, vol. 11.

69. Skene-Smith N. Tokugawa Japan. - Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Tokyo, 1937.

70. Snellen J. B. The Image of Erasmus in Japan. - Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Tokyo, 1934, vol. 11.

71. Stewart B. Japanese Colour Prints. L., 1920.

72. Strachey G. L. Landmarks in French Literature. [N. Y., 1912].

73. Strange E. F. The Colour Prints of Japan. L., 1906.

74. Strange E. F. Japanese Colour Prints. L., 1923.

75. Symonds J. A. Renaissance in Italy. Vol. 1-2. N. Y., [1906].

76. Taine H. A. History of English Literature [Б. м., б. г.].

77. Takekoshi Yosaburo. The Economic Aspects of the History of the Civilisation of Japan. Vol. 1-3. L., 1930.

78. Takekoshi Yosaburo. The Japanese Rule in Formosa. L., 1907.

79. Terry T. Ph. The Japanese Empire. L., 1914.

80. Treves F. The Other Side of the Lantern. L., 1928.

81. Tsuda N. Handbook of Japanese Art. Tokyo, 1935.

82. Uramoto Sekicho. Journey, Rural Locality and Living in Peace. - Cultural Nippon. Tokyo, 1938, vol. 6, № 1.

83. Van Gulik R. H. Chinese Literary Music and its Introduction into Japan. 18th Annals of Nagasaki Higher Commercial School. 1937, October.

84. Van Loon H. W. The Arts. N. Y., 1937.

85. Voltaire. The Age of Louis IV. L., [б. г.].

86. Williams E. T. A Short History of China. N. Y., 1928.

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